Feeble Little Horse - Girl With Fish (2023)

Okay I'm already failing at living up to this blog's name. A review every single actual day was already a tall order but I really gotta step my game up. Gonna do better from here on out! Let's do a quick one today.

I enjoyed this short, 26-minute album a lot. It's fuzzy, noisy, and guitar-y, three things I love, and it brings the hooks and a strong slacker rock vibe. Does everything sound like the car ride from San Marcos to Houston to me these days because sounds haven't changed that much, because people are doing some awesome callbacks, or because I just can't let go of the past? Or all three.

For as noisy as it is, this album sounds great, that is, you can really distinguish all the different things going on in the mix. There is a lovely variety of instrumentation in the songs including electronic flourishes, moments where the volume drops and swells, emotional acoustic moments, and other surprises.

I really enjoyed this. I see this is only the band's second album, so I wish them many more great successes in the future.

Highlights: Steamroller, Heaven, Healing, Station

For Fans Of: Shoegaze, Deerhoof, No Age, Jay Som, New Zealand 80s-90s indie pop bands